REVIEW : Sucker for Love: Date to Die For (PC)

REVIEW : Sucker for Love: Date to Die For (PC)

“Sucker for Love: Date to Die For” is an engaging visual novel horror game that interweaves supernatural romance and existential crisis. Developed by Akabaka and published by DreadXP, it’s the sequel to 2022’s “Sucker for Love: First Date” and expands and improves upon the ideas of the first.

REVIEW : Sucker for Love: Date to Die For (PC)

Gameplay: The gameplay revolves around incantations, puzzles, and tense house navigation. It’s a game where choices matter, and players can pop around an in-game timeline to discover other paths. Despite being a short experience, it’s unique with fully voiced characters that mix humor and scares.

REVIEW : Sucker for Love: Date to Die For (PC)

Story & Characters: The story is set in a fictional town called Sacramen-cho, where the main character, Stardust, returns to investigate the disappearance of their parents. The game introduces a new character in the Sucker For Love universe, Rhok’zan, a summoned entity from a book found in an old Japanese house. The story mainly revolves around Stardust and Rhok’zan, leading to comedic exchanges between the two.

Visuals & Sound: The game features excellent use of ambient sounds paired with a stellar soundtrack and hand-drawn horror visuals. The aesthetics are captivating and fun, making for a uniquely enjoyable world.


  • Fully voice acted
  • Aesthetics are captivating and fun
  • Short run-time still allows for plenty of humor and introspection


  • A little too light on the dating aspects
  • Main character can feel bland compared to other cast members

“Sucker for Love: Date to Die For” is a fun visual novel that balances scary moments with witty commentary. It’s a perfect choice for fans of Lovecraftian stories, 90’s anime, and horror-comedy writing. Despite some minor drawbacks, it’s a game that stands out with its unique blend of horror gameplay, eldritch elements, and a sprinkling of romance.

REVIEW : Sucker for Love: Date to Die For (PC)

Extended Analysis: “Sucker for Love: Date to Die For” is a game that successfully combines elements of horror, comedy, and romance into a cohesive and engaging narrative. The game’s unique blend of genres sets it apart from other visual novels, providing a fresh and exciting experience for players.

The game’s story is both intriguing and humorous, with a cast of well-developed characters that players will grow to love. The main character, Stardust, is relatable and likable, and their interactions with Rhok’zan provide some of the game’s most memorable moments.

The gameplay is engaging, with a variety of puzzles and challenges that will keep players on their toes. The game’s choice-based system adds a layer of depth to the gameplay, allowing players to shape the story based on their decisions.

The game’s visuals are stunning, with hand-drawn artwork that brings the game’s world to life. The sound design is equally impressive, with a soundtrack that perfectly complements the game’s tone and atmosphere.

REVIEW : Sucker for Love: Date to Die For (PC)

Despite its strengths, the game does have a few minor drawbacks. The dating aspects of the game could be more developed, and the main character can sometimes feel a bit bland compared to the other characters. However, these issues do not significantly detract from the overall experience.

In conclusion, “Sucker for Love: Date to Die For” is a standout title in the visual novel genre. Its unique blend of horror, comedy, and romance, combined with its engaging gameplay and stunning visuals, make it a must-play for any fan of visual novels.

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review-sucker-for-love-date-to-die-for-pcIn conclusion, “Sucker for Love: Date to Die For” is a standout title in the visual novel genre. Its unique blend of horror, comedy, and romance, combined with its engaging gameplay and stunning visuals, make it a must-play for any fan of visual novels.


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