REVIEW : Freedom Planet 2 (PS5)

REVIEW : Freedom Planet 2 (PS5)

Freedom Planet 2 is a game that not only surpasses its predecessor but also sets a new standard for the platforming genre. This sequel has managed to evolve beyond its Mega Drive inspiration and feels like a long-lost Sega Saturn gem.

REVIEW : Freedom Planet 2 (PS5)

 Gameplay and Level Design

The game’s level design is a huge improvement over the first game, offering a fun and challenging experience. The levels are beautifully crafted, with each one offering a unique environment and set of challenges. The game boasts four playable characters, each a joy to play. Each character has their own unique abilities and playstyle, adding a layer of strategy and replayability to the game.

REVIEW : Freedom Planet 2 (PS5)

The boss fights are more fleshed out, providing a challenge for even the most experienced players. Each boss requires a different strategy to defeat, and the game does a great job of teaching you these strategies through gameplay.

 Visuals and Music

The visuals and music have seen a significant upgrade, making the game stand out with its vibrant and engaging aesthetics. The game’s art style is a beautiful blend of retro and modern graphics, with each level bursting with color and detail. The music is catchy and fits the game’s fast-paced action perfectly.

 New Features

The game also introduces new features like a colorful map to travel in Adventure mode, items and potions to equip to spec your characters’ stats and abilities. These new features add depth to the gameplay and allow for more customization and strategy.

REVIEW : Freedom Planet 2 (PS5)


However, it’s not just the gameplay that shines in Freedom Planet 2. The story, set in a broadly Asian sci-fi world, is engaging and adds depth to the game. The characters are well-developed, and the plot is full of twists and turns that will keep you engaged from start to finish.

 Replay Value

The game also offers plenty of replay value, with a casual playthrough for each character lasting around 9 – 12 hours. With four characters to play as and multiple difficulty levels, there’s plenty to keep you coming back for more.

REVIEW : Freedom Planet 2 (PS5)


Despite some criticisms about certain boss fights being too hard and some fights being uninteresting, these issues are few and far between. The overall experience is very fun and fast-paced, satisfying that itch for nostalgia while keeping you entertained for hours.


In conclusion, Freedom Planet 2 is a must-buy for any fan of 2D platformers. It’s a game that has flown under many people’s radar, but it’s one that definitely deserves more recognition. Whether you’re a fan of the original game or new to the series, Freedom Planet 2 is a game that you won’t want to miss.

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review-freedom-planet-2-ps5In conclusion, Freedom Planet 2 is a must-buy for any fan of 2D platformers. It's a game that has flown under many people's radar, but it's one that definitely deserves more recognition. Whether you're a fan of the original game or new to the series, Freedom Planet 2 is a game that you won't want to miss.


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